Check whether you made a Profit or a Loss or broke even on your investment in stocks.
Check if your Birthday Date is a Palindrome or not.
A website where you can have fun with triangle's. Contains apps to check whether given angles make a triangle or not, a quiz on triangles, calculating the hypotenuse of a triangle, and calculating the area of a triangle, all made using HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
This is another web app made in Plain JavaScript to check whether a number is lucky or not.
This is a Cash Register App in which you can enter the Cash given by the Customer & the Bill Amount to get the Tender change to be given back to the Customer, made using VanillaJS.
This is another React app which recommends you a list of songs that I like from selected genres.
This is a React App in which you can type or click name of a country to view it's flag emoticon. P.S:- This was my first React App!
This is same as the Minion Slate web just with yoda translations.
This is a simple web app made using HTML,CSS & Vanilla JavaScript. It uses api from Fun Translations to translate given text to minion language!.
This is a short quiz on the 4th Installment Of Harry Potter Franchise, Goblet Of Fire, written in Vanilla JS. Play & try to beat the High Score & let me know.
This is the first project made while I learned JS from neogCamp, it's a small quiz about me.